Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Playgrounds - how to make them fun safe and affordable

While creating your own playground will take some planning, it is for certain that your kids will exercise as they are having fun. The good part about this is that the playground does not have to be huge, and therefore expensive. A wide selection of swing and slide sets as well as towers and sandboxes can make for big memories regardless of the playground's actual size.

First of all, you need to assess the size of the area as well as available materials for your playground. Considerations such as safety and budget constraints should also be in the mix. To get started, ask yourself these questions:

• How much space is available for a playground?

• Is the area sheltered or mostly outdoors?

• Are you willing to build the equipment from scratch or would you rather buy them as kits?

• How much money will you set aside for the project?

• What safety issues do you foresee with the playground?


One thing you should remember: bigger doesn’t necessarily mean better. This is particularly so when space is limited. You just need to incorporate strategic pieces that will engage your tots. Great thing about children is that 90% of the fun they get out of playgrounds come from their own imagination. The remaining 10% you provide is just to give them something to work their minds on.

Selections for playground pieces have also corresponded to customers with the limited space and therefore have put out smaller versions of play structures like swings and slides.


Now comes the choice: Metal? Plastic? Wood? What are the pros and cons? Here is a brief run-through:

Play sets made of plastic are perfect for small children. They are light and therefore setup is easy, and it is portable as well. They can also come in a wide selection of bright colors for mini playhouses, jungle gyms, and swings. They can easily be bought either online or at your local retail stores.

Metal playground pieces should be made galvanized to prevent rust from forming. Painting also prevents rusting as well. Make sure that thick gauge steel is used for the swing set particularly for the top bar. Standard swing sets made of metal can sufficiently usually support a limit of 70 pounds for every child.

Play sets made from quality wood like redwood and cedar are more sturdy and attractive. Given proper care and maintenance, they can outlast plastic or metal sets. These can hold around 115 pounds or slightly more per child. Such wood as well as the pressure-treated variety can withstand moisture.

To buy or to build?

Metal and plastic play sets are factory-manufactured and are available in local stores or online. It is preferable to shop with the children so that you can target items of their preference as well as of their size. You are sure to find one that not only meets these criteria, but safety and prize as well.

It will be good to remember that you will need to assemble these sets yourself. This can be done in just a few hours. Also remember to include the delivery price to the retail price of the set as it can cost you significantly. In such cases, try to arrange for your own transportation to do this.

If you choose to get a wood play set you have these options:

- Save money by buying a detailed kit (except for the wood, which you need to buy yourself). You will have to spend more hours to cut and drill the wood before moving onto assembly. You will need to be prepared to do some exact measuring as well before you can bolt together the pieces.

- You can buy the kit, which includes the wood you will be working on. The wood comes pre-cut and pre-drilled and will not take as much time to assemble.

- If assembly is not really your thing, you can avail of the kit and installation services and not have to worry about a thing.

Finally, you need to go over the play set and play area thoroughly for safety issues. It is best to have a child’s mind and eye with this one. Always ask yourself “How would my child see this particular slide/swing?” Are there bars or chains that can potentially snags clothing or injure your child? If there are, remedy these immediately before you allow the child to play in the area. Also, never let a child play unsupervised – this by far, is the prime reason for serious, if not fatal accidents in the playground.

The work it takes to build a playground may be exhausting. But it is definitely time well spent. You are not only giving your child a good play set, you are also allowing him or her the opportunity to build many happy memories.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Snoring relief how to achieve it

If you suffer from snoring, then you are probably looking for a way to relieve it. Snoring relief is often sought from a surgical standpoint, but many do not realize that snoring relief can actually begin at home.

Snoring relief can be found in many forms. From changing your sleeping position to the use of an anti-snoring device, snoring relief can be quite effective if you know where to begin. First off, try sleeping on your side instead of your back. If you find that it is impossible to do, try using two pillows instead of only one. An important part of snoring relief is to make every effort to keep the muscle and tissues from relaxing in your throat and restricting air passage. That is why side sleeping and a few inches of elevation are both important to snoring relief.

Another effective method at snoring relief is to remove allergens from your home. Regular cleaning and the use of air filtration devices can help to ensure that your air is as clean as possible. Individuals, especially those with allergies or sinus problems, are prone to breathing problems that could lead to snoring.

If you are overweight, or have recently been diagnosed with obesity, weight loss may be a very effective snoring relief method. The reason is because obesity is believed to be one of the leading causes of snoring and, therefore, has an important impact on it’s remedy.

Many sufferers turn to the help of anti-snoring aids to help them rid their nights of discomfort. Quality snoring relief products are often doctor recommended. Such is the case with the Sleep Genie, for example, which helps the snoring sufferer to keep their mouth closed during the night. It is nearly impossible to snore with your mouth closed, which is why the Sleep Genie is applauded by snoring sufferers around the globe.

This article is intended for informational purposes only. It should not be used as, or in place of, professional medical advice. Before beginning any treatment for snoring, please consult a doctor for a proper diagnosis and remedy.

Hair loss gets in the way of having picture-perfect tresses

Much has been said about hair being a person's crowning glory. You've probably noticed how every single shampoo and conditioner commercial emphasizes (and most of the time, over-emphasizes) the need to have long and silky tresses (for the women) and healthy and fuzz-free hair (for the gentlemen). In the metro, there's also a burgeoning of parlors and salons offering a variety of hair care services to cater to the hair whims of every customer. But the reality is that, not everyone is blessed with picture-perfect mane. Men and women have to deal with hair woes such as dry and oily hair, dandruff, split ends, and hair loss. Since premature loss of hair is hereditary, some people have to face the brutal fact that they would be bald sooner, not later, than they expect. It's an amazing thing to know that several kinds of hair loss treatment are now up for grabs in the market.

According to experts in the field of hair care, women should note that men are not the only ones who have the tendency to experience and suffer hair loss condition. It only seems men are more prone to having partial or complete balding but this doesn't mean women are safe. If a person is starting to notice excessive hair fall and bald spots, he or she should immediately consult his or her doctor. Although a person doesn't have any history of premature loss of hair in the family, he or she can get bald as a side effect of a particular drug. Aside from medication and genes, one can experience premature loss of hair because of an existing disease or illness such as cancer.

Nowadays, hair loss treatments may come in the form of pomade or surgical enhancement. He or she can choose among different brands or methods according to his or her budget and preference.

How do surgical or non-surgical treatments actually fight a person's biological tendency to lose excessive amount or hair? Manufacturers behind most kinds of hair loss treatment like growth stimulators, super oxide dismutase and anti-antrogens explain that these services or products generally stimulate hair follicles to ensure production of healthier and stronger hair strands. But the more effective treatment is DHT inhibitors which prevent 5-Alpha Reductase and testosterone from teaming up and thus, resulting in noticeably less hair fall. Though hair loss is an inevitable reality for some, one can do something to prevent and fight it.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Know the basics before getting a massage

According to national surveys, most Americans know that massage therapy can help relieve stress and pain and benefit their overall health. If you've decided to get a massage but haven't had one before, you may have questions about what to expect during your session.

The American Massage Therapy Association offers the following information for first-time recipients of massage:

* Massage is beneficial whether fully or partially clothed. It's your choice whether to remove some of your clothing for your massage. Choosing not to remove your clothes does not affect the massage's benefits.

* Massage should not be painful. Give the massage therapist complete and accurate health information and communicate your needs. If you experience discomfort from either the massage or the environment around you, tell your therapist immediately.

* Different techniques can provide relief for various types of pain and stress. Each massage technique or modality is used to achieve specific results for pain relief, flexibility, relaxation or overall health. Discuss your health goals with your therapist to help choose a massage therapy program that works for you. Massage therapist members of the AMTA are trained to recommend massage modalities suited to your health and physical needs.

* It's perfectly OK to talk to your massage therapist or remain silent. Sometimes talking can be a way of unburdening oneself or opening up. Other times, remaining silent can be a way of letting go of thoughts or concentrating. Sometimes, people fall asleep during their session.

* Take your time getting your body adjusted at the end of your massage. Sit up slowly and drink plenty of water.

* Always look for a qualified massage therapist. AMTA's "Find a Massage Therapist" national locator service can help you find a massage therapist in your area.

Common mistakes home page design


What pitfalls should companies avoid on their Web, Intranet or portal home pages?


The home page of a Web site, Intranet or portal is the most important page. It should tell site visitors, what they can do precisely deeper in the site or at least inform them, what they may be able to expect. However, in most cases, the home page is just a compromise to satisfy internal politics and neglecting site visitors’ needs. To set up an effective home page that matches corporate objectives and user’s expectations the following pitfalls should be avoided:

1) Too much information instead of links: Many home pages provide detailed information such as complete news, company description, etc. or are overloaded with images. Site visitors do not want to read information on the home page nor guessing what might be hidden behind an image. They want to find a link to start navigating to the information, which they came for. Providing detailed information on the home page limits the space available for valuable links. Further, it increases the risk that site visitors do not even start navigating the site, as they do not find their specific entry point to start their specific action or scenario. There are two types of pages, which apply to any Web applications such as Web sites, Intranets and portals. Those are navigation pages and destination pages. Navigation pages allow site visitors discovering the options to navigate. Destination pages provide the information, which site visitors are looking for. The home page is the ultimate navigation page. It needs to provide as much as possible links to the various Web sections. The Web strategy determines the links from the home page to the site sections. There are two major linking approaches:

- - Individual link, which relates to one link for a complete Web section.

- - Category links, which is one link to a complete Web section, followed by links to further detail this section (sub-category links).

Provide category links for strategic Web sections that you want your target audience to browse and navigate to (for example for IT companies provide category and sub-category links to product and service overviews, customer engagements, download section). Use individual links for Web sections that target secondary audiences (for example company profile or recruitment).

2) Animations / animated links: Even though that usability research clearly shows that animations such as rotating banners, animated text, etc. distracts site visitors, it is still used on many business sites. In most cases, marketing managers request Web designer to implement animations although designers know that animations are more destructive than increasing site effectiveness. Web designers need to clearly explain the differences between offline and online media. In offline marketing, publicity needs to attract the attention of prospects. For example, if you are walking on a street, advertising such as ad posters must attract your attention, as you are not walking down a street to discover ads. In online media, site visitors already decided to go to a Web site with a specific goal in mind (e. g. finding contact, product or support information, etc.). Hence, the Web site does not need to attract the visitor’s attention. There are successful concepts to replace animations such as the so-called hooks. Hooks are static images or graphics with a minimum of text to tell site visitors what they can expect by clicking on them. Hooks are not limited to the home page but can be used on all navigation pages. Effective hooks target the page audience (best practice sites: cisco. com, ups. com/content/gb/en/index. jsx ). Place hooks on the home page that target the prime Web audience, on subsequent navigation pages, refine hooks accordingly to the page audience.

3) Not telling what site users can do on the site: Site visitors do not go unintentionally to a Web site. They have a specific action in mind such as finding pricing information, applying for a job, downloading the annual report, etc. Using action verbs such as download, apply, compare, discover, etc. facilitates site visitors to find immediately the link to start their scenario. Action verbs define further links (for example a link named “product” can be misleading as it does not tell what kind of “actions” will be available such as downloading, comparing, ordering, test driving, etc.). Complementing links with action verbs helps to reduce site visitor frustration and to increase site effectiveness.

4) Missing the home page basics: There are a few usability practices, which Web designer should implement on the home page such as:

- Home page length less than two screens at a resolution of 800x600, best would be to fit within one screen. Place strategic links on the first screen (upper half of the home page, if the home page exceeds one screen), as site visitors generally do not scroll on navigation pages and hence would miss the important links.

- Links to site support tools such as site map or site search. About 30 percent of site visitors prefer finding their information using site search. Therefore it is crucial that Web sites provide search functionality (e. g. the search box) directly from the home page.

- Link to privacy policy from the text navigation at the bottom and link to the company profile (navigation bar and text navigation bar).

- Company logo available in the upper left corner. However, it should not provide an active link on the home page but from any other pages within the site.

- Navigation consistency with the rest of the site. Ensure that the navigation on the home page is consistent with the rest of the site to avoid user confusion.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Mortgage loans for business and home purposes

Mortgage loans are type of loans wherein the equity of borrower’s home is collateral and if you are planning to take home loans then you must possess good credit history. However, even though your credit history is poor, still Texas banks offer various plans on acquiring home loans that meets your affordability and requirements to purchase a home of your own.

There are varieties of mortgage loans that are available for every individual:

Conventional Loan:

This is a type of Mortgage rates is made available without any guarantee from the government sponsor and most conventional loans basically necessitate 5-10% down from the assets of a borrower. These home loans and home equity loans also offer two options that include fixed rate mortgage which encompass less rate of interest that remains the same. Adjustable rate mortgage is another option within conventional loan that comprises interest rates adjusted periodically.

Close end loan:

If you are seeking home loans, then you can also go for close end home loans that provide lump sum amount to the borrower at the time of closing and the minimum money that is allowed to borrow depends upon the dependent factors like assessment value of your home, credit history and income. This kind of home loans, home equity as well as free checking services can also help to not only realize your dream but also fulfill the same.

Home equity loans are characteristically used for one-time larger expenses like child’s education or home addition that allow an individual paying off higher bills interest, simplifying the finances as well as every month saving the money. These home loans, home equity as well as free checking services are provided to the potential clients or customers with small monthly payments.

Guarantee bond bank helps you in investing money to maintain your home as well as monthly budget. The bank basically deals with mortgage services, provide home loans, home equity as well as free checking services for an individual’s account. It has prospered and grown over past few years continually by gathering the financial needs as well as requirements of every community that it serves. In order to obtain more information concerning mortgage rates and home loans then you must log on to gnty. com and look out for the services that are offered by them.

You can easily count on the services like mortgage rates, home loans, home equity, texas banks and free checking provided by guarantee bond bank as they have skilled mortgage specialists that help in analyzing your Mortgage rates, loans, needs and requirements along with certain suggestions to solve your problems. It is the oldest bank and serving many places in Texas, thus guarantee bond is one of the reliable Texas banks on which anybody can cache upon. Thus, you must check out gnty. com to obtain information about their merchant services as well as free checking services. Their free checking services are very simple to understand the account in order to save your money and this process also saves time. Doing business is challenging these days but by using the services of guarantee bond banking procedure becomes convenient as well as easy. Also, on the website you can explore more about mortgage rates, home loans and home equity.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Afro american dating - a guide to the online websites

Are you an afro-american person? Do you seek that special someone? This article will try making it easy for you in getting an on-line date. I will try to underline some of the ups and downs in on-line dating; why should you and why shouldn’t you try this type of dating.

Is it O. K.?

What's the difference between initial eye contact across a crowded room and an email via a busy dating website? Perhaps less than you think. The bottom line: you can be as wrong - or right - about someone you slap eyes on in a bar as you can online. And your instincts will still be the only guiding force when it comes to weeding out the lovers from the losers. Fate certainly ensures that we kiss a few frogs before coming up trumps with a Prince - however we meet him. So, as a conclusion, if you want to try on-line dating, go right ahead, because, love can hit you from all the different places.

Just in case you decide to sign up with an online dating agency, here are a few web sites where you can do this, and a few details about them.

blackplanet. com

BlackPlanet. com is your space to meet people in your community, express yourself, and find information that reflects our cultures and our perspectives.

Here you can find all kind of things from games to forums and news. But the main topic of this site are the afro-american dates.

afroconnections. com

Not like any other dating site, they offer a Scientific Personality Profile Analysis. Using their test you will discover yourself as well as be able to identify your desired match. The service will pick up your true compatible match, or so they say.

There you can find automated match finder, which will do the work for you. As there are thousands of members just now and just as many joining all the time, keeping up with potentially suitable matches can be time-consuming. All you need to do is give CyberCupid your match criteria and it will scout the database for you on a regular basis. When it finds a match, you will be notified by e-mail or by SMS if you have upgraded to the full service

love. org/black_dating. htm

Black Dating is Free at Love. Org

Love is the newest and best Black Dating site with ZIP code lookup, large photos & slide show. With the "Mutual Interest" feature, you can rate your level of interest in each member whose profile you review, and members are automatically notified if you are interested. To start, simply create an account and enter a search criterion. Your search patterns can be saved, you can return at any time to resume your search.

ebonyfriends. com

A great place for black singles to interact with each other, and talk about religion, work, sports, life, relationship, and more by offering valuable services to all the single friends in your city and around the world. You can view dynamic, informative personal profiles of other members! Free registration!

Now there’s no excuses – give online dating a go today!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

How to start your own home business with minimal monetary capital

Being short on monetary capital should not stop you from putting up your own home business. There are ways to start your own business without a huge start up capital. To get started with your own home business with minimal monetary capital, here are some tips for you.

1) Select a business which is in line with your present skills

If you have special skills, you should use these skills. It is always easier to work on familiar ground and save a lot of money on training and skill development at the start of your business venture. Just think about how much money you can save if you work within your areas of expertise. Note that if you are very much familiar with a certain type of business, it will be easier for you to find opportunities therein. Moreover, if you have specialized skills, you will have an edge over your competitors.

What if you have no special skills? Now, if you don’t have any special skills which you can use in your business, try to find a business that does not really require any technical skills. For instance, there are many turn-key affiliate marketing systems that are user friendly and do not require any technical skills at all. The good thing about these affiliate marketing programs is that they do not require any capital. As long as you have website and you can generate traffic, you are already qualified to join an affiliate marketing program.

2) Work at home and save on rental cost

Choose a place in the house where you can set up a small office. Make sure that you set your office in a place where you will be least disturbed. If there is no more extra room in the house which you can convert into an office, find a corner where you can put a table and a filing cabinet. Make sure that everyone in the house knows that this place is your office so that no one will disturb you when you set in your table.

3) Use your present resources

To save money, learn to use whatever resources you have at present. Take an inventory of the equipments and materials that you have at present and make use of them. For instance, if you have a personal computer, use that computer instead of buying a new one. For your office furniture, utilize whatever chairs and tables you have in the house.

4) Make your own calling cards and brochures

If your business requires the preparation of information materials and business cards, get a good printer and print your own materials. If you only need a few pieces at a time, there is no need to get a heavy duty computer printer. You can even use a refill ink to save on printing cost.

Homeschooling becoming a viable alternative

Last year alone, more than one million children in the United States choose homeschooling over traditional education. This stunting figure was released according to the National Center for Education Statistics.

Homeschooling is a recent development in education. Not that long ago, it was considered too radical by many education experts. Nowadays, it is legalized in every state and more than 1 million children has undergone homeschooling and I suspect many more parents are seriously considering homeschooling.

The interesting thing was what prompted such a change? There have been many recent surveys to suggest that parents are getting impatient and fed up with our public schooling system. It is seen as being superficial with no real-life skills being applied and taught.

Parents are also concerned about the negative publicity often portrayed in news. Examples are school students taking drugs in schools, abusing fellow students physically and even students bringing guns and knifes to school. Parents are concerned about the negative peer influence these students cause to their child.

Homeschooling offers an opportunity to end all that and allows parents to bring up their children in a natural and loving environment. I believe homeschooling is especially important in the early years of a child’s development (between three to twelve years old) as this is the period where they are prone to negative influences and peer pressure and cannot differentiate what is right and what is wrong. Homeschooling helps to protect them from such negative influences.

Another benefit of homeschooling is an inevitable bond between the child and the parents. The parents and the child spends more time together forming an unique bond. The bond gets stronger as time passes and later you will find that you can connect with your child better than you never thought before.

Parents can also have better control over the kind of moral and religious beliefs a child should have. Parents can impart their moral values and beliefs to their child easily since they spend more time together.

So what’s stopping parents from adopting homeschooling? For one thing, homeschooling requires a lot of time and money. For most families, both parents needs to be working full-time to support the family. Most homeschooling families I know of is dependent in one parent for the income. The other parent has to devote full-time in homeschooling the child. Therefore in some cases, it is not possible to adopt homeschooling unless you are financially stable.

The other interesting phenomena is that more and more homeschooling support groups are cropping up in your neighbourhood. They help to guide and support each other. Some homeschooling support groups have even gone online. If you do decide to go homeschooling, find a homeschooling support group in your area.

A home improvement loan for the home you love

The world is a very dynamic place. Nothing is constant here and everything keeps on changing. So why your house should remain the same? Bringing changes to your house by repairing or remodeling is known as home improvement. Plumbing and electrical work are the most common repair work. House renovation includes a number of things. You may go for painting or wall papering to give a new look to your house. You may want to change the interiors of your house. New furniture can give a new life to your house. Build separate rooms for grown up children. That’s not all. Kitchen redesigning can make your wife happy.

Before carrying out home improvement, the first question that comes into your mind is how to finance it. You do not have to bother about it anymore. Banks, building societies and private lenders offer home improvement loans . The loans are tailor made according to the specific requirements of borrowers. The repayment terms can be adjusted as per your affordability. If you cannot afford to pay a hefty sum every month, then you can spread the loan repayment over a longer time frame so that your monthly installments become small in amount.

The rate of interest on home improvement loans depends upon a number of factors. The type of loan influences the rate of interest. Secured loans carry lower rate of interest than unsecured loans. Since secured loans are less risky for lenders, they charge low rates of interest on such loans. Another factor that influences the rate of interest is the credit score of the borrower. Borrowers having a good credit rating are charged lower interest rates than those with a poor credit history.

You can take out a personal loan to undertake home improvement. Personal loans are usually unsecured. It is very easy to obtain a personal loan. The rise in demand for personal loans has given a good business opportunity to lenders. Therefore, lenders are always ready to offer personal loans . If you are a homeowner, you may use your house to get a homeowner loan. A homeowner loan can also be used for home improvement

Monday, May 23, 2016

Dating after divorce-some things to think about

If you are recently divorced and are thinking about entering the dating world again there are some things you need to think about. Let's face it, a divorce can be a tramatic experience for all those involved and jumping into the dating scene can be more than many divorcees are ready to deal with. The only one who will know if you are truly ready to start dating after a divorce is you, but here are some things to consider before you go on that first date.

1. Are you ready to date after your divorce? This is where you have to take stock of your own emotions and what it is you are looking for after getting divorced. Only you can really answer this question but something to think about is why do you want to start dating again. Are you lonely and think that dating again will help fill that void left by your ex-spouse? If this is the case you may not be ready, because the person you date may not fulfill your expectations, particularly if you do not know what it is you want out of a new relationship. If you look at it from the point of asking yourself what you want from a new relationship you may find it easier to make a decision about dating after your divorce.

2. What's your confidence level when it comes to dealing with someone in a dating relationship? For many people just getting through their divorce is rough. You have to ask yourself are you ready to deal with someone on that emotional level again. One important question you have to ask yourself is are you confident enough in yourself that any let down or rejection during your foray into dating will not damage your emotional state.

3. What kind of person are you going to date? Your tendancy may be to try and find someone who is the complete opposite of your ex-spouse. While this may sound good if you think about it it's probably not a good idea. Why? You were attracted to your ex-spouse for a variety of reasons. Because your marriage didn't work doesn't mean that you didn't like some of the things that attracted you to your ex in the first place. You need to accept people for who they are, not who they remind you of.

4. Be prepared for let downs? It will be hard not to compare anyone you date to your ex-spouse. It will make it even more difficult if that someone you are dating seems to do some of the things that your ex used to do that drove you crazy. Realize that most of the time they will be unaware that they are doing something that reminds you of your ex-spouse. If you really like this new person in your life give them a chance, because what you see and think may not be what they intend for you to see and think. It is hard for them to overcome the demons of your past relationship if you do not give them that chance.

Don't be afraid to enter into the dating world after your divorce, but at the same time you need to know who you are and have the confidence to find what you are comfortable with when it comes to dating. Trust yourself to make the right choice and chances are you will thrive as you begin your new life dating after divorce.

Can i trust cheap web hosting companies

When planning to set up a website, one of your basic needs will be a web host. A web host is the place where your site will be located, and all the files that are linked to your website will be on your host’s computers. There are many different web hosting companies available with a range of different offers and features making it difficult to decide which web hosting company you should use.

Although price is often a factor in most things we buy, and cheaper prices are often a sign of less quality, there are several other things to look at when checking out web hosting companies. There are currently many cheap web hosting companies that offer services at very reasonable prices; this is due to the large number of companies offering these services, which forces competitive prices.

Searching for the best web hosting company for you can often be very confusing if it your first time setting up a website. First of all it takes lots of research to find the web host that you feel is right for you, so be prepared to do your research. When checking out a web hosting company, analyze what your needs are and what you want in a web host. Be sure to carefully read the details involved, and take a good look at the fine print to avoid future surprises.

Many times what seems to be a cheap web hosting company turns out to be much more expensive than you originally thought it was. This happens when the web host charges you extra for different features you though were included in the basic price. It is very important to read through the terms of service carefully, many people are in the habit of skipping to the bottom and checking off the I agree box and just assuming they know what is in the contract. By thoroughly reading the contract you can prevent yourself from facing unexpected costs and hassles.

Before deciding on a specific web host, check out webmaster forums and blogs and find out what other people have to say about them. Although you can find information on web hosting directories these are often supplied by the web hosts themselves and results in biased opinions. When choosing a web hosting company, take your time and give each option full consideration. Failure to carefully evaluate your options may lead to frustration and complications, once your site is up and running it will be more difficult for you to change hosts and redirect your visitors to your new site. The bottom line is, cheap web hosting companies can be a good option in some cases, but as with everything, they need to be carefully weighed in order to sort the good choices from the bad ones.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

How to choose the right colors for your home

Are you STILL thinking about painting your walls with color?

Many people are afraid to make the leap from 'builder's beige' to a more daring color choice. What holds you back? Are you afraid the color will be too strong? Not match your furniture? Or you'll become tired of it and have to start over again?

While you're debating the work involved you are missing out on one of the basic elements of design that can change the entire look of your room for under $50. Your tired furniture can become new again and a mismatched room can have designer flare! So, how do you choose the right color?

The first recommendation is to choose a tinted neutral. Why is that? Instead of choosing rich, deep colors for your first project, you will likely feel more comfortable with a neutral such as beige or gray which will not date the room or create a jarring palate that you will easily tire of.

However, when you go to your local home improvement store you will be faced with a sea of color swatches - hundreds of versions of basic beige and gray to choose from. So before you go, consider these steps to choosing the right color for you.

If you like the feel of a warm and cozy room - think of fireplaces, brown leather and sunsets - then you'll want to start with a beige tone.

Now, consider your furniture and accessories. What colors do you see? If you have a lot of black or navy you may wish to choose a beige with orange or pink undertones to keep the look warm. If you have browns or reds in your furniture, select a cooler beige with ashy tones to avoid 'overheating' your room.

If you prefer a cooler, airy look - chrome, glass and shades of icy blue - then select gray tones. Some stores will have a 'true gray' color swatch which you can use to compare with their designer selections. On comparison you will notice that each gray has undertones. Some will have blue or lavender tones, others may have green or even a hint of pink.

Using the same guide as stated above, identify the main colors of furniture and accessories in the room. Use green or pink toned greys with cool toned furnishings to avoid it from feeling like an ice box. Use blue or lavender undertones in rooms with warmer colored furnishings.

If you are really torn between beige or gray, than the easiest color to work with is green. Keeping it in a muted tone will make it very easy to live with, and will work with most color palates.

Painting rooms with color will bring the finishing touch to your home - don't

Babycity baby clothes and baby gifts online

Babycity is a leading provider of baby clothing, baby gifts and nursery products on-line. We aim to offer you the best products at the best prices, all combined with a service, which is second to none.

We stock a variety of products to cater for any new baby’s needs from tiny clothing for those first precious days, to nursery equipment and travel equipment. In fact we promise that if you can’t find it on-line at babycity, we will try and find it for you, saving you the time and hassle.

We have brought together a wealth of products from high street brand names including Avent, Tommee Tippee, Baby Bjorn, Tiny Love, Tiny Dee, Baby Dee and Doodle Dee, so you can rest assured they will be of the highest quality and style.

Amongst the products we sell are baby bodysuits, baby sleep suits, baby gifts, fashion ranges, feeding equipment, weaning equipment, baby carriers and baby toys and mobiles. In fact everything you need for your baby's early years. Click here to visit our store directory where all categories are clearly laid out.

Because we buy in bulk we can keep our prices low and pass the benefit on to you. In addition, customers who join the baby club can gain benefit from an extra discount on any purchase. It's free to join and members will receive regular information about special offers, promotions and discounts. With a no quibble returns policy and a helpful customer service department; it is an ideal place to shop without the hassle of the high street.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Wineries buzzing about cal-ital varietals

Cal-Ital refers to Italian varietals grown in California and is the new buzzword among some winemakers.

California's wine country was largely built on Italian-American grape growers, like Sam & Vicki Sebastiani of Viansa Winery, specializing in Italian varietals.

To learn of the intricacies of Italian wines, Viansa Winery offers a few Italian varietals worth tasting, along with some tips on how to pair them with foods for a complete epicurean experience.

* Sangiovese: A versatile wine, adaptable to many different foods, from pizza to hearty minestrone. "Piccolo" Sangiovese is a medium-bodied wine with a bouquet of raspberries, strawberries, blackberries and a hint of smoky tar to a plum-like flavorful finish.

"Thalia" Sangiovese is a complex, full-bodied wine blended with 80 percent Sangiovese, 16 percent Merlot, 4 percent Cabernet Sauvignon, and less than 1 percent Cabernet Franc. Aged for 15 months in oak barrels, "Thalia" is recommended to be decanted for an hour before serving with selections like veal or grilled duck breasts with cherry chutney.

* Barbera: Viansa's blend of 93 percent Barbera and 7 percent Nebbiolo, the "Augusto" Barbera has flavors of cherries, raspberries and strawberries. It's the perfect wine with cheese and salami. It also pairs well with lamb and rabbit.

* Nebbiolo: With distinctive aromas of strawberries, roses, mint and tar, this red wine is an ideal choice for dishes featuring the earthy flavors of mushrooms and truffles.

* Vernaccia: Viansa is one of the few producers of Vernaccia in the United States. This white wine is famous to the Tuscan region of Italy. It displays flavors of star fruit, mild melons and a crisp acid finish, along with flavors of pineapple, banana, hints of pear, dried fruit and creamy butterscotch, making it perfect to sip by itself.

* Pinot Grigio: Harvested from Viansa's Sonoma Valley Estate, the 2004 "Vittoria" Pinot Grigio has light flavors of apricots, pears and green apples with hints of orange, lingering hazelnut and macadamia flavors. This wine pairs nicely with shellfish, white fish, chicken and veal.

* Tocai Friulano: A new white wine for Viansa boasting aromas of apricot, guava, pineapple and glazed nuts. Viansa pressed whole clusters of fruit and fermented the wine in stainless steel in order to preserve the bright fruit flavors. This new wine is the perfect companion for shellfish like oysters and mussels.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Make sure you choose the right host

The cost of hosting services that you can find on the net varies a lot. Options like disk space, bandwidth allowance, control panel and operating system in a hosting account determines the price that you have to pay. First, to start finding a host for your site, you need to determine your requirements for your site. For the sake of the beginners, I will consider shared and dedicated hosting only.

Size, scalability and disk space


Will your website and content grow from time to time or you just need to publish a set of content that will expire after some time?


A corporate site with less than 20 web pages, a disk space of less than 40MB should be enough.


If you want to start a site about a certain topic or industry, consider getting a hosting account with at least 60MB disk space for a start.


If you intend to publish a site with a lot of pictures or mp3 for users to download or purchase, consider a 100MB disk space hosting account.


For personal sites, consider a 30MB MB disk space hosting account.


If you are in charge of an enterprise that needs to publish a lot of information and offer intranet system and public services, consider a dedicated server instead.


These days, many hosting providers offer hosting services that exceed the disk space requirement standard for any given websites. Although more is better, it is not always necessary. Disk space can be purchased from time to time if it is not sufficient. So choose a hosting account appropriately depending on how much space you will need.


Secondly, consider hosting providers that can support the growth of your website and business, so that you can scale your website affordably. Ask about the companies' application, network, disk space cost, facilities and the solution they can offer as your site grows.


The features of a hosting account has a lot to do with what you can do for your site. It is of utmost importance to find a host that matches your skills and interest. Let's go step by step!

Platform and hardware requirements.

The most popular web server nowadays runs on Windows 2000, Apache, Cobalt or Linux®. The design goals of both Unix®/Linux® and Windows are very similar in nature. These operating systems offer portability, extensibility, and an ability to run on various different computers, whether they are desktop PCs or departmental servers. Your choice of operating system will classify the service and type of software that you can deploy and the kind of applications that your site can run on.

Windows NT® or Windows 2000 servers are configured to be compatible with Microsoft® applications, such as FrontPage, Access and MS SQL. NT/Windows 2000 servers also offer programming environments such as Active Server Pages (ASP), Visual Basic Scripts, MS Index Server and Cold Fusion. So if you are familiar with Microsoft®'s Internet Technologies, consider Windows NT® or Windows 2000 hosting services. Also, consider the speed of the processor and the amount of RAM (memory) that is installed on the server. Compare and choose the hosting provider that can offer you high processor speed and bigger amount of RAM (memory) at a reasonable price.

The Unix® platform offers tried and tested stability and the speed for enterprise level e-business. Linux® should also be mentioned when talking about Unix®. Many people do not realize that Linux® falls under the realm of Unix®. This is because Linux® is actually a Unix® derivative. Unix® or Linux® hosting often comes with telnet access, mySQL database, Perl, PHP and CGI support. If you are familiar with Unix® file naming, PERL or PHP applications, consider a Unix® or Linux® hosting account.

If you are not familiar with any of these operating systems, and if you prefer an easy to use platform, consider a Windows 2000 hosting account. If you are looking forward to learning the Perl programming language or if reliability or stability is a concern, consider an Unix® or Linux® hosting account.

Whichever platform that you choose, determine your goals for your site and find out the requirements to run your site. Based on your needs, determine the compatibility of the application or programming language that you need to use. Once you have all these in mind, you can safely and easily decide which platform is most suitable for your need.

Email Accounts

Look for email accounts with web based access as well as POP3. The best ones are those with administrator control. Generally, you should have at least 5 email accounts for 3 users. Depending on the number users that have in your organization, you should have least 2 to 5 standby email accounts. Some hosting providers offer unlimited email accounts as well. Features like auto responders, email aliases and email forwarding is very common nowadays.

Software and services

Web hosting in the open Internet market today is very competitive. A good hosting provider will offer speedy internet connection, proper security measures, featured rich hosting, and reliable server uptime. There are over a 100 types of features that a host can offer. Look for only what you need. Some of the most widely offered features include.



Determine your requirements and decide if database is required. If you need to store a lot of records or transactions, a database can be very helpful. MS Access, mySQL and MS SQL Server are some of the most widely used database on the internet. If you are decide a Unix® or Linux® hosting is your preferred choice, mySQL suits perfectly for your site. Alternatively, if a Windows 2000 server hosting is your option, you have the choice of either a MS Access or a MS SQL server.


Scripting language

If you think Microsoft® Active Server Pages can't be used in Linux® or Unix®, you are wrong. With more and more new and advanced technologies coming up to support cross platform, virtually all popular scripting languages can be used on either Windows 2000 and Unix®. Nevertheless, it is advisable that you still stick to the platform and scripting language that you know best. If Perl, Cgi, Php and mySQL are your favorite scripting languages and tools, stick to Linux® or Unix®. Find the host that supports the latest version. Insist that they inform you so that you maximize the latest web technologies for the fee that you pay.


Microsoft® FrontPage Support

This configuration allows you to use Microsoft® FrontPage to design, create and manage your website.


FTP Accounts

This is by default the standard method of uploading and downloading files from your computer to your site.


Raw Log Access

Often you don't need raw log. Each log size is very big and it is very hard to interpret it into useful information. Instead insist the host provider offer web statistics software for your site so that you can harness the detailed analytics buried deep within gigabytes of raw log and provide you the insights you need to market your site successfully.


Control Panel

Control Panel is a service provided by the host to help manage your web hosting account efficiently. This a is very useful tool that you need when you want things to be done quickly and dynamically. Check out this feature when you are looking for a host to sign up with


Ecommerce Options

If you want to sell a service or product online, you need to find a hosting provider that offers a selection of ecommerce features and payment processing services. Shopping cart, SSL security certificate and credit card merchant providers are some of the options you need to consider. Currently, the easiest and most widely used ecommerce system is Miva® Merchant. Look for a host that supports this. Other shopping cart systems are also available and some hosting providers offer this feature for free as part of the hosting plan.



Many scripting languages require third party extensions or additional extension to develop cutting-edge web technologies. Some of these components are available at an additional cost. View carefully and ask if required whether the hosting company provides the components that you need.

For example, if want to develop a site using Microsoft® Active Server Pages, you may want to know if the host provides additional third party components like SAFileup, ASPMail, and BrowserHawk.


Web users do not tolerate slow websites, and to a certain extent, you can avoid the problem by choosing a hosting provider that is committed to supply high speed connection and redundant lines to ensure your site remains responsive and that your data moves quickly even if your primary Internet connections are temporarily unavailable.

Although the speed of a site can be caused by various and complicated problem areas, ranging from routing, web server set up, and local area networks, the main and major concern of how fast your site is depends very much on the types of network connections. The general types of network connections that a hosting provider often provides are given below.

Many hosting providers still connect to the Internet through T1, or T3 connections, although there has been an increase of hosting services using OC (Optical Carrier) lines.

A T1 line will offer data transfer rate of 1.5 Mbps (megabits per second), while a T3 line can supply data transfer rates of 43Mbps. Ultra-High Speed OC3 and OC12 lines offers 155Mbps and 622Mbps respectively. Some hosting providers have connections to major internet backbones at the speed of OC48 (2488Mbps).

Thus, consider finding a host that provides reasonable internet connections. You can do a speed test to determine the average response time from a hosting provider's site to your computer. Ping displays a report that includes the time it takes to receive a control packet from the remote host. High values of packet loss and response time indicate low connection performances, while low response time often means more reliable and faster connection. Please take note that the user's experience of response time is not limited to server's connection, but the throughput of the web server, the Internet itself, and user's connection.


Bandwidth is the amount of files and data that you can transfer per month. The standard allowance you get is 1 gigabyte of bandwidth per month. Every time a visitor views your site they are downloading files from your site, this uses your bandwidth. If you have a page that is 30kb in size including images and 10 people view that page you would have used 300kilobytes of bandwidth.(1 gigabyte = approximately 1,000,000 kilobytes) When choosing a hosting provider, the amount of bandwidth you have can be crucial to the success of your site. Generally speaking, the more bandwidth you have, the more traffic your site will be able to handle at one time. Consider finding a host that provides at least 2.5GB of monthly bandwidth allowance. If your site acts as a portal for web users to find information, consider 6GB of monthly bandwidth allowance for a start. Some hosting providers offer unlimited bandwidth. We suggest that you read its Terms of Use before signing up.

Reliability and Scalability

Choose a provider offering a guarantee that your Website will be open for business at least 99% of the time. Excellent Web hosting providers can offer this guarantee because they have invested in the best automatic monitoring equipment, hired experienced engineers who can anticipate problems and emergencies, and installed redundant back-up systems to take over the moment anything goes wrong.


Maintaining and running a web hosting company is not easy. In fact, finding highly experienced web technicians to respond and support inquiries 24 hours and 7 days a week is even harder. Because successful implementation of a web hosting company often depends on how the management team executes its plan, policies, and goals, you can easily test if the web hosting company will respond to you quickly by asking them questions through email a few times.

There are a few things you can do to find a host with good technical support.


Find out if the company provides online knowledgebase and FAQ support. Check if the system is frequently updated and used. Online knowledgebase and FAQ are very handy tools when you have trouble with your website at anytime.


Find out if a control panel is available for your site. Control Panel allows you to change and manage your hosting account remotely at anytime without any support intervention.


Find out the company's current status and how many years the company has been operating. Hosting providers that do not determine the needs of their customers have ceased or will eventually cease operations in this industry, leaving only the best-of-breed hosting providers to progress and move ahead.


Find out if the company has any technical certification in supporting and providing the service you purchase


Check the cost of the hosting plans carefully. Some hosting features are optional. You can also save some cost if you prepay a yearly payment. The cost of shared hosting plans and dedicated hosting plans varies a lot.

You can easily search for hosting plans that match your specification at hostpulse. com. Make use of the Advanced Search to find the exact hosting plan that you need. You can also take advantage of the HostPulse's HostMatch feature and automatically receive a list of web host companies matching your web hosting requirements. Make sure that you know what you want to get before signing up with one. A good and decent shared hosting plans with proper support can range from US$15 to US$80 per month depending on the hosting requirements that you are looking for.

Good luck in your search!

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Skip the lines rent your holiday flicks online

The holidays are full of errands and tasks to complete. There are cookies to bake, presents to buy and parties to plan. But when it's time to unwind and have some fun, many families turn to holiday movies to get into the spirit of the season.

In a survey conducted by Blockbuster, 75 percent of respondents said watching movies is a great way to spend time with family during the holidays; 68 percent said movies get their family into the holiday mood; and 61 percent said watching a particular movie or program was one of their holiday traditions. Eighty percent also said movies are a great way to relax from the stress of the holidays.

Whether holiday revelers want the convenience of online DVD rentals or the immediate satisfaction of an onsite, in-store rental, Blockbuster Online makes it easy to do both. By joining Blockbuster Online, you can build a queue of your favorite holiday movies and have up to three delivered to your home at a time; it's one less errand to run during the busy season. Or, if you do have the time and prefer to stop at your local store, an online membership provides subscribers with two free in-store rentals each month.

While you're a member, you can keep the movies as long as you want; there are no due dates or late fees; shipping is free both ways; and the service starts at $9.99 a month. More than 40,000 titles are available, from classics to new releases.

The importance of travel insurance

You've finally saved to go on that dream holiday you have been planning. Now you're wondering if you should buy travel insurance. Do I need to go to the extra expense? All I can lose is my luggage, right?

Guess again! Anything can go wrong while you're traveling, and I strongly favor buying a policy.

Most travel insurance policies are designed for a variety of travel needs but, I emphatically advise reading the fine print of any policy you purchase regarding any deductibles and health situations. You many find your policy won't cover preexisting conditions that may cause a problem, or that the medical coverage is only for an injury or an illness -- not both. For emergency aid, travel insurance polices are generally dependable and affordable, but there's still a myriad of gaps in the coverage provided.

You can find polices designed for any type of trip you may be planning, such as a single trip for hunting, backpacking, cruises, house rentals, and a host of others. But, the specific types and amounts of coverage you get depend on the policy you choose. it is important to remember that you will only be covered for what is specifically stated in your policy and for nothing else.

Most policies cover trip cancellation, lost baggage, medical, dental, and accidental death coverage. Other policies include emergency evacuation, 24 hour travel assistance, and trip or baggage delay. You may even find policies that include options for collision or damage to rented cars and business conflicts. there's many options that can be covered, but you will have to ask.

The premiums for the policies are generally 5% to 7% the cost of your trip, but fees will vary depending on the your medical history and passengers ages. Many companies offer policies that will include coverage for children at no extra charge.

it is best not to buy your travel insurance from your tour operator. i have listed a few reasons why it may be better to purchase through an insurance company separately.

Most travel insurance policies offered by the operator are less flexible to your individual needs;

Provide a lower amount of coverage;

May only cover a portion of the trip;

Your coverage may be secondary and the insurance will only pay for what you own private health or homeowner's insurance does not cover;

May duplicate coverage you already have;

In the event the tour operator liquidates and goes belly up, you would lose not only your trip, but also your premium.

Many travel agents are not fully knowledgeable when it comes to understanding the details of various travel insurance policies and may overlook something that could be important to you or your relatives and few offer suggestions. Buying travel insurance may be less expensive purchasing through your tour operator or cruise line, but for the reasons listed above, you should check around.

If you do choose to buy your policy from your tour operator, be sure to use a credit card. Depending on the policy of the credit card issuer, you may be provided with protection against potential default of the operator.

When buying your policy from an insurance company:

Always get quotes from several companies

Ask if the plan is pre-packaged or if you can custom design your own

Can you waive the preexisting condition exclusion

Ask if you're covered for cancellation due to a terrorist incident. Don't count of the company to provide information

Ask any query you can dream up and

Do ask for suggestions

Ohio and cheap car insurance

When you are searching for Ohio cheap car insurance, you may feel discouraged at times. There are a few “tricks of the trade,” so to speak, when it comes to finding and purchasing cheap car insurance in Ohio, and one of them is cutting back on your Ohio car insurance endorsements.

Car insurance endorsements include coverage for emergencies such as needing your car towed, needing immediate on-site work done to your car (on-site labor), and rental car insurance. While these endorsements definitely come in handy when you actually need them, most drivers do not actually need them that often, if ever. Some people live their entire lives without ever renting a car, or needing on-site labor for the cars they own. And, if your car breaks down and needs to be towed, is the bill going to amount to the money you have spent on a towing endorsement to your car insurance over the past few years? It will most likely cost much less than what you have paid out.

If you are interested in getting Ohio cheap car insurance by cutting back on your Ohio car insurance endorsements, but are still a bit unsure about letting go of the endorsements, consider joining an auto club. AAA, for example, provides such services as vehicle towing. When you are a member of a vehicle club, you have many more benefits than just replacing your Ohio car insurance endorsements; therefore, if you are interested in and need these member benefits, the money you pay in auto club membership fees balances out.

If you are not interested in joining an auto club, but still want the protection your Ohio car insurance policy endorsements offer, consider opening a savings account for such emergencies as towing and on-site labor. This is more economical since you only put money into the account once – until you use it – and the money accumulates interest until you withdrawal it.

All inclusive timeshare resorts

How would you like to go on a timeshare vacation and leave your wallet behind? This is surely a recipe for disaster—unless you vacation at an all inclusive resort. These ever-popular timeshare resorts charge you one fee for everything from your room to your meals. You can vacation like the elite without ever having to worry about paying a check because there are none! Different packages include beverages and activities, so you can sip frosty drinks by the pool or play golf without ever seeing a bill.

There are several all inclusive timeshares waiting for you to enjoy in exotic places such as Mexico and the Dominican Republic. The beautiful Royal Sunset in exquisite Cancun, Mexico is an excellent choice for anyone interested in some wallet-free fun and sun. The Dominican Republic’s Talanquera Vacation Club in Juan Dolio is nearby the historic Santa Domingo and features crystal blue water and soft sand beaches. Both of these timeshare resorts are completely all-inclusive and have several packages with different levels of inclusion. If you would rather head to the hills instead of the beach, Austria’s LTH Resort at Alpine & Golfhotel Interstar. Set among the breathtaking Salzburg mountains, this all inclusive resort is perfect for the outdoor enthusiasts. Whether your passion is skiing, tennis, golf, mountain-biking, hiking, or climbing, this resort is an excellent destination. All inclusive timeshare resorts have different packages depending on the options in which you are most interested. Additionally, prices of the timeshare may vary depending on the season. When you decide to invest in an all inclusive timeshare, be sure to ask exactly what is covered. One timeshare resort may offer only one inclusion package and others may have different options for inclusions from which to choose .

There are all inclusive timeshare resorts located in many parts of the world, from Egypt to Brazil. Just as with traditional timeshares, knowing all the details before you purchase will save you a great deal of money and grief. If possible, you may wish to visit a property to become familiar with the area and the resort’s features. As is the case with all timeshares, you would still have the option to exchange your all inclusive timeshare which would allow you to vacation at new properties each time.

Although purchasing an all-inclusive timeshare may be more expensive upfront than a traditional resort timeshare, you may save money in the end. By taking an all inclusive vacation, you know exactly how much you are spending, whereas traditional vacations can quickly add up when meals, drinks, and activities are added to the bill. If you have ever returned home after a fabulous stay at a traditional timeshare only to be shocked by the pricey bill you racked up, then an all inclusive timeshare resort may be just the right option for you.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Tuscany holiday packages

Arianna & Friends is a tourist incoming project that offers both accommodation in country houses in Tuscany, and tourist services such as wine and food tours, cooking classes, cultural tours, arts classes, outdoor activities.

The project originated by the desire to increase the tourism and the quality of the tourist services in two areas of Tuscany which are not a destination of the mass tourism, the area between Pisa and Volterra and the area around the medieval village of Vinci.

The owners of the accommodation facilities together with professional tour leaders, cooks, tour guides, chauffeurs, teachers and artists, farmers, restaurants owners, and many other "friends" work together to give to their guests and customers very personal and exclusive services.

Accommodation is available in rooms or fully equipped apartments in farm houses and villas, that still preserve the Tuscan country architecture and furniture.

The activities offered by Arianna & Friends are thought for visitors who want to experience as local people the culture and the traditions of the region. There can be only two people as well as families, and bigger groups of friends or colleagues. Activities are planned also for solo travellers.

Arianna & Friends organizes wine and food tours with the visit to

traditional family-run estates producing wine, olive oil, sausage, cheese, honey, marmalade, spelt, pasta. But also visits to modern companies such as big wineries, and chocolate factories are included in the programmes. The tours are led by a tour leader that accompanies the guests and guides them during the visits. At the end of the visit a tasting of the typical produce

is always offered.

The cultural tours are focused on destinations like small medieval villages, castles, local museums, ruins of ancient fortresses, handicrafts production such as ceramic and terracotta. During these tours guests can see how local

people live and what their history, usages and traditions are.

Cooking is another important activity offered by Arianna & Friends. Guests have at their disposal local cooks and interpreters and can learn a lot about Tuscan and Italian cookery. Lessons usually last 2 or 3 hours and after the preparation of the meal, the attendants can enjoy their dishes

with local wines. Everything take place in a familiar and informal atmosphere.

Also sport activities are offered by this project. Guests can choose among bike tours, horse riding, quad tours, trekking and gold programmes.

There is even the opportunity to take part in painting classes, classes of decoration of ceramic and decoupage, as well Italian language courses.

Arianna & Friends is able to customize and personalize any kind of vacation or holiday in the countryside and satisfy its guests’ wishes.

The negative impact of the weight loss obsession

The media has pushed upon the general public that the thinner you are, the more attractive you are. All manner of media outlets have given people the impression that being larger than a size 0 is a bad thing because it makes you fat, even though realistically, your appearance is a little too similar to that of malnourished African children. We have become trained to see the waif-like figures of fashion models to be the ideal in feminine physical beauty, even though such a form may not really have any benefits in a strictly biological sense. This has had the effect of creating the weight loss pill industry, as well as giving it the backbone it needs to be a feasible avenue of business for pharmaceutical companies eager to make a quick buck or two. However, is being thin really all that the media makes it out to be?

Perhaps the primary concern would be the impact what effect taking a weight loss pill might have on the system. By their very nature, the pills are designed to help a person lose excess weight, typically by burning stored fat or increasing the metabolic rate. However, as testing has shown, a number of the more effective forms of weight loss pill formulas can have terrible side effects on the body. Reports can vary, though some of the more common ones are nausea and occasional cases of vomiting. In some countries, where the standards are a little lax, these pills find a massive market despite the lack of testing on just what potential side effects it might have. Aside from that, a weight loss pill can easily be overdosed by people who are overzealous about losing weight, leading to potentially life-threatening situations.

However, aside from the weight loss pill boom, the media's effort to push people to become thinner has resulted in psychological damage. Even without the media at work, there will always be a segment of the population that would experience social anxiety because of their weight. Due to the emphasis on physical achievement and perfection among students, high school students typically, those who have more weight than the average student often end up being socially scorned. Large-built students who cannot find ways to compensate for their weight through activities such as sports often find themselves socially ostracized by their peers. After all, the media pushes the message “nobody wants to hang out with fat kids” rather strongly. Now, combine that with exposure to mass media, which pushes people to subconsciously dislike being “fat,” and the social anxiety simply gets worse. There are several studies behind the effects and the treatments for bulimia and anorexia, but very few have tackled the psychological issues and the social anxiety behind these eating disorders.

Finally, perhaps the worst effect the media “push” has had is the prevalent obsession with losing weight, even for those who don't need to lose weight. The media has made people consciously relate extremely thin, waif-like figures to beauty. This has had the effect of women adopting all manner of fad diets, weight loss programs, and extreme treatments to attain that “perfect” size 0. This is a far cry from the pre-Raphaelite standard, where a full figure was considered the ideal and a little meat on the bones was not necessarily a bad thing. While the public obsession with health stems from this need to get thinner, the fact that some people are stretching the limits on how thin the human body can get while still remaining healthy is not a good sign.

It is interesting to note that men seem less affected by this than women. There are several possible explanations for this, though there is a distinct lack of overly-idealized male figures in the media, as compared to the female ones. According to some studies, it is generally harder to determine an “ideal” for the male figure, apart from one that appears capable of performing the tasks subconsciously associated with the male gender, than it is for females. There are several likely sociological and evolutionary reasons for this sort of discrimination, but the number of men experiencing the same social pressures as women is increasing.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Do you know how to use the basic self defense moves on a threatening situation

Self defense is the practice of protecting yourself in a defensive manner in order to reduce any harm caused by another attacker, or to help you get rid of a violent situation. There are many different forms of self defense. Not all self defenses are considered “physical”. If you are researching self defense, it is essential that you understand the basics. Here, you will learn about self defense basics and the steps that you can use in order to protect yourself in threatening situations.

When considering self defense, it is important to understand your limitations. It is equally important to be sure that you are able to identify your surroundings at all times to assist in any self defense techniques that you may be forced to use. This is often referred to as “self awareness”. If you practice the art of carefully evaluating your surroundings, and know what you are physical capable of, you are sure to prevent a lot of dangerous situations that you may possibly experience. When alone, it is important to ensure that you display an air of confidence that others can see. If you are faced with a dangerous situation, it is important to ensure that you maintain this level of confidence.

Many people get a permit to carry a concealed weapon, such as a gun. There are other individuals that carry items such as pepper spray and stun guns. It is important to ensure that you do not totally rely on these items. It may not be easy to get to these items if a dangerous situation arises. This is why it is important to develop some good self defense moves. The dangerous situation often occurs at unexpected times, in unexpected places. It is essential to have knowledge of self defense techniques to ensure that you are able to take care of yourself.

When looking for ways to protect yourself in a dangerous situation, martial arts training is a great way to start. Martial arts training can teach you self defense techniques that are both defensive and offensive. Martial arts training can help you to identify a dangerous situation, develop a plan to remove yourself from the situation successfully, and avoid those types of situations in the future.

If you want to be able to defend your self in any situation, it is essential that you do all that you can to learn self defense basics. Knowing these self defense techniques can mean the difference between getting hurt or staying safe, being killed and living life.

Discover the most efficient Self Defense Moves and Fear No Man ever again. If you use the techniques that you are about to discover, you can become a human Machine and be an Unstoppable confident Man. Get Access Now by visiting: secretsofmartialartsmasters (dot)com.

Student credit card

There is a ton of extra literature the high school senior receives in the mail during their twelfth grade year. There are special scholarship offers, student financing, and special college programs, not to mention the number of invitations from Uncle Sam to come join the Navy, Marines, and Army. Having just been through this, I can add to that, at least fifty offers for a student credit card.

Now, no offense to these hard working people and their advertising campaigns, not to mention the U. S. Postal Service who delivered these documents; but, the majority of these offers ended up in the round file, aka as the trash, unopened. There is just too much, too fast, and you're busy with other things, like just getting through those last few months of school.

As a parent of a recent college graduate and another one coming up, I realize it is important that the college student have a credit card. Now that all of the excitement of final exams and graduation is over, it's time to start looking forward to the next step. With the new college year just around the corner, it's time to look at and compare those college student credit cards offers.

That is what is so great about the internet. You can enter college student credit card into any search engine and come up with a number of sites that give you a choice right here online. You don't even have to leave the comfort of your own home. You can shop right here and even sign up and order your card any time day or night. No need to take a trip to the post office to mail your application, you just press enter.

When applying for a student credit card, there are a few things you need to keep in mind and consider.

-First, talk to your student about the responsibility that comes with having a credit card.

-Student credit card interest rates are a little higher because they usually have no previous credit history.

-Student credit cards have lower credit limits, normally $500 to $1,000.

-Caution your student about having more than one credit card.

-To avoid running up too much debt, the credit card should be used just for necessities.

-Try to pay the entire credit card balance each month.

-Explain to your student that if they fall behind in payments, the credit card issuer will increase their interest rate.

-Used properly, a student credit card can build up good credit, which is a valuable tool in today's world, along with that college degree.

Most college students obtain their first credit card either before they enter college or during their freshman year. Student credit cards can be a good thing, when used responsibly. Your student has used his time wisely thus far, enabling him to be admitted into college. Now it's up to them to earn a good credit rating, by following the rules of the credit card issuer. This is called education by experience.

A look at pain relief for fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is a chronic disease that affects the musculoskeletal system. Symptoms vary widely among sufferers, but generally include muscle and joint aches, chronic fatigue, irritable bowel syndrome, headaches and tenderness in several of eighteen specific areas, or “trigger points” on the body. Fibromyalgia is often overlooked by sufferers as the inevitable result of a busy schedule and everyday stress. When patients do seek treatment, doctors often misdiagnose fibromyalgia as rheumatoid arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, or another musculoskeletal condition. It affects women far more often than men, at a ratio of about ten to one. While some cases result from a specific trauma, more often the exact cause is unknown.

The first step to fibromyalgia pain relief is being properly diagnosed. The condition is not completely understood by the medical community, and there is no specific course of treatment. Most advice given to patients reads like a weight-loss program, recommending low-intensity exercise, drinking lots of water, and reducing mental and physical stresses such as those caused by saturated fats, caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, meat and sugar.

Anti-depressants are often prescribed as part of the treatment, which elevate the mood of the patient. Muscle relaxants and sleep aids may also be recommended. Since fibromyalgia sufferers are often found to be low in manganese and magnesium, both of which help balance thyroid function, nutritional supplements may prove beneficial as well.

Physical therapy is another essential component for fibromyalgia pain relief, as it teaches patients methods of walking, stretching, and exercise that reduce muscle tension and fatigue. A physical therapist will also teach patients how to make use of ergonomic tools in their daily life, like padded chairs and special keyboards designed to minimize muscle strain.

Some patients choose to incorporate alternative treatments such as acupuncture, chiropractic, and massage therapy into their treatment. While the efficacy of these natural treatments has not been carefully studied and quantified, testimonials of fibromyalgia sufferers indicate that all of these alternative treatments may help alleviate symptoms of the disease. Whatever patients decide upon, it must be remembered that there is no simple cure for fibromyalgia, and a comprehensive plan that address mental and psychological symptoms and promotes healthy lifestyle habits is the most direct method of obtaining fibromyalgia pain relief.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Gift ideas for your girlfriend

So, is it her birthday? Your anniversary? A gift for valentine’s day perhaps? Or simply, is it a simple yet meaningful token of your expression of love for her?

Sometimes, one does not have to wait for a special occasion to give that loved one of yours that present that will last her the whole year or her whole life through. The following are creative and unique ways to tell your girlfriend how much she means to you.

Choose what you think is best for your girlfriend, the tips and advice below range in budget, style and originality. The sky’s the limit, or better yet, your choices are only limited by your imagination.

Surprise her with a limo

No, you do not have to buy it for pete’s sake. You could have one rented out.

Set a date with your girlfriend. Tell her you’ll pick her up. When you knock on her door, she will be surprised or probably be elated with the vision of that stretch car outside her house, or better yet, with the vision of her sitting inside it with you.

Then, take her out to dinner. Imagine her thrill of having to get off and ride in again in that limo. Of course, nothing still beats gentlemanly sincerity. Make sure you are doing this out of your expression of love for her and not primarily for the purpose of being flashy. Or maybe a little, but ensure that that is not your principal reason.

Keep it simple

It really does not matter if you do not have that much money. The clichй: it is the thought that counts, actually rings true. Your thought peppered with your creativity and genuine sincerity is all it takes to make that gift for your girlfriend memorable and extremely likable.

If your girlfriend likes flowers and stuffed toys, it would not hurt if you give her the following. Give her with a bouquet of flowers when you see her. Then, if both of you are to go to your house, fill your room with scented candles. Plus, take a stuffed toy animal she likes – a monkey perhaps or a bear? Place it on your bed and have it hold a single red rose.

She will definitely swoon.

Or keep it hot and airy

A very different and exciting gift you could give to your girlfriend is a hot air balloon ride. Make sure though that she is not afraid of heights and is as equally adventurous as you, or at least willing to try something new.

You can catch a romantic ride on a hot air balloon. Sail on the air over rolling green hills or catch a sunset or a sunrise with your significant other. It is very romantic and quite beyond the ordinary.

Gift her with a great and memorable experience

Make her breakfast, for a change. Wake up early and prepare a breakfast that you know she likes. Make it a little bit different too from the usual stuff she used to see. If she likes pancakes, make her one or two. Make adorable cookie cutter pancakes and a fresh bowl of various fruits for the dessert.

Give her something that glows in the dark

Nope, it is not what you are thinking. Remember those glow in the dark toys that comes in various shapes, sizes and forms. They have stars, space ships and the letters of the alphabet to name a few.

Try sticking the glow in the dark letters forming the words I LOVE YOU on the ceiling above her bed. When she turns off the light to go to sleep, imagine her delight and surprise seeing those words from you.

Give her something that makes her bubbly

If your girlfriend loves fun and seems to savor being the bubbly life of the party, there is a gift that is perfect for her personality. A Cosmopolitan Kit will help your girlfriend learn the do’s and don’t’s of mixing that great cosmopolitan. This handy kit also consists of a drink guide, a mix for drinks as well as a CD to set the right mood.

All in all, these gifts are mere suggestions. You alone know what works best for your girlfriend and your relationship. Remember to not be afraid to try out something different, yet sincere. Unique but also familiar.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Wearing a red ribbon

On February 7, 1985 at 2:00 p. m. the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) agent Enrique (Kiki) Camarena was attacked by five men while opening his truck doors intending to drive and meet his wife for lunch. The beige Volkswagen were he was forced in disappeared that warm winter afternoon in the streets of Guadalajara, Mexico. One month later, Camarena's body was found savagely and grotesquely murdered.

When Camarena joined the US DEA, after having served as a Marine and becoming a police officer, his mother tried to convince him to resign, but he was determined to make a difference. In 1974, he was transferred to Guadalajara, Mexico, the center at the time of the drug trafficking empire and working as an undercover agent was investigating a major drug cartel believed to include officers in the Mexican army, the police and the government. A firm believer of the notion that even one person can make a difference in this world, Camarena, at the age of 37, sacrificed his life to prevent drugs from entering the United States schools and streets.

Honoring his memory, family and friends from his hometown in Calexico, California began wearing red badges of satin signifying his battle against illegal drugs. Soon, coalitions were formed and adopted the symbol of Camarena's memory: the red ribbon. In 1988, three years after his torture and death, the National Family Partnership organized the first National Red Ribbon Campaign in an effort to reach million of US children and expand Camarena's dedication to prevent drug use around the world.

Since Camarena's murder, the Red Ribbon Celebration and every associated campaign has touched the lives of millions of people each year. Annually, during October 23rd to 31st, more than 80 million young people and adults show their commitment to a healthy, drug-free life by wearing or displaying the Red Ribbon. This nationwide effort has become a major force for raising public awareness and mobilizing communities to combat alcohol, drug and tobacco use among youth.

Years later, the red ribbon gained international appeal as a symbol of the fight against AIDS when it was worn by Jeremy Irons at the 1991 Tony Awards. Created by the New York-based Visual AIDS Artists Caucus, this visual symbol demonstrated compassion for people living with AIDS and support to their families. Inspired by the yellow ribbons honoring American soldiers servicing in the Gulf war and the US hostages of the American Embassy in Tehran, the color red was chosen for its connection to blood and as a symbol of passion. After becoming a politically correct fashion accessory, the Red Ribbon is worn on December 1st, each year in memory and support of the HIV/AIDS victims and also to increase public awareness and thus, research funding.

Making money through day trading online

Day trading refers to the buying and selling of financial instruments like currencies, stocks or futures contracts, on the same trading day. This type of stock investment involves a lot of risk. Day traders carry out day trading by purchasing and selling stocks rapidly on the same day. Securing quick profits through day trading is based on the hope that the value of the stocks will continue to rise or fall in the short period when the stocks are held, before being sold. Some feel the traditional rule of settling the trade before the market closes, may go against the market wisdom of letting the profit run. However, this helps the day traders in avoiding the risk of price gaps. Price gap refers to the difference of price between the last close and the opening next day.

Profit making through day trading online:

Day trading can be very profitable due to the rapid returns. Traders willing to take high risks generate huge returns with day trading. Earning huge profits takes a couple or minutes or hours. The advancement in technology and electronic communication, especially the Internet, has contributed a lot to its popularity in recent years. Initially, day trading was limited to professional traders of financial firms. It used to be a marginal form of trading stocks for the elite group of private investors. Today, even casual traders indulge in day trading to make a profit. Popularity of the Internet has triggered off the swift flow of information, at a click of the mouse, making day trading all the more easier to execute.

Online day trading strategies for quick profit:

These are five day trading strategies that every trader should keep in mind:

Follow the trend: Usually, day traders assume that the steady rise in financial instruments will continue to do so and vice versa, in the case of a decline. All trading time frames use ‘trend following’. Trend followers purchase a rising financial instrument or they sell the falling ones, short. This is done with the assumption that the trend will continue.

Range trading: In this strategy, rising as well as falling stocks are brought near to the lowest identified price and sold, once it hits the upper range.

Scalping: This strategy is also referred to as spread trading or quick trade. It involves the settling of trade within a few minutes or even seconds.

Playing news: The playing news strategy is considered to be most popular in the realm of day traders. It involves the purchase of stocks that offer good returns and selling of stocks with bad returns. The implementation of this strategy provides a good opportunity for quick profits.

Despite of the profit making strategies and popularity, day trading is not easy. It involves huge risk factors and according to statistics, 80-90% of day traders lose money in day trading and only 20% gain. It is an expensive and stressful, full time job, but if you are disciplined, a quick decision maker and can maintain good risk and money management, then you have strong chances of earning profit by day trading online.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Light and fresh as a salad

No small thanks to weight watchers everywhere, the salad is beginning to take on center stage from an obscure, little corner during the earlier times. Indeed, salad is now enjoying the same popularity of the, well not exactly pizza, but at least fast food.

New diet and fitness methods seem to pop out everywhere on a monthly basis. From crash to yoyo to Low Carb-High Protein, to the After Six, to South Beach to something as crazy as color dieting.

The methods vary mostly in the food composition that must be consumed while on the diet, but what's common to all these are the inclusion of salad in one form or another.

Indeed, the humble salad has found its way even to those fast food counters as health consciousness begins to grow. Even the Fast food king, McDonald's himself, had to yield to the pressure and has started to offer healthy alternatives that includes, you've guess it right, the salad.

There are more than a thousand ways to prepare a salad. This can be served as an appetizer, a main course, dessert and even as a sandwich filling. Although most often associated with all those big nutritional stuff such as the lettuces, romaines, tomatoes, carrots, cucumber and grapes, the salad can also take on the form of a heavier meal.

While chicken and tuna are the most common ingredients, pork, turkey and peking duck have already found their way in bowls everywhere.

Generally, the term salad refers to a preparation of chopped and / or sliced ingredients. Although meat can be incorporated in it, it has to contain at least one or two vegetables and fruits. It can be served dry or with a dressing.

The most common dressings are whipped cream, vinaigrette, thousand island, honey-mustard and ceasars' dressing. And the most common ingredients are lettuce, tomatoes, carrots and cucumber. Eggs have also become a regular ingredient.

The popularity of the salad has grown mostly because of its nutritional value. It satisfies the hunger pangs without weighing in too much on the scale. And this is why it has become a favorite preparation for the health nuts everywhere.

Come to think of it, one need really not be a health enthusiast to enable him or her to enjoy this preparation. With the variety and interesting textures that come up every time, one is bound to find one that he or she can be addicted to.

Typical rashes

Rash in short: is an acute and widespread temporary reddish eruption on the skin. A rash can develop in individuals that are sensitive to a particular drug, prescription or nonprescription. The rashes are characterized by itching of an intensity that can interfere with sleep or normal activities. The rash results from the entire body reacting to the drug itself and usually develops early in treatment rather than after the drug has been taken for a period of time.

Rash is a change in the skin which affects its appearance and or texture. Most often a rash is localised to one part of the body, but other times it can have an affect on the entire body. Rashes can cause the skin to change color, become bumpy, dry, itchy, swell among other things that can result in alot of pain. Because of the wide array of rash symptoms treatments also vary widely. A proper diagnosis should look at all of the visual and physical symptoms of the rash, and also what the possible cause of the rash was. Often times the area in which the rash exists can tell alot about it's condition, and where it is going. Rashes are often times associated and a result of diseases. For example, measles with cause a rash, that begins a few days after the fever begins.

The most common causes of rashes today are: allergies, (ex. allerfic reaction to: foods, animeals, dyes, medicines, insect stings, etc), skin contact with an irritant, infection or reaction to a vaccine, skin diseases such as eczema or acne, autoimmune disorders such as psoriasis, cancer or other disease, pregnancy and, exposure to sun or heat.