Sunday, September 18, 2016

The many benefits of vitamin a

We may fail to realize this but Vitamin A is one of the vitamins that offer numerous benefits. We can obtain vitamin A from food sources like animal kidney and liver, fish liver oils, fruits and vegetables that are yellow orange in color like melon, orange, mango, peach, carrots, and others which contain beta carotene (one of the components of vitamin A), dairy products like milk, cheese cream, butter and eggs and certain green vegetables like broccoli, spinach and lettuce. Beta Carotene can be converted into Vitamin A when more supply is required by the body.

One of the foremost benefits of Vitamin A is in helping promote better vision and eyesight. Studies have indicated that despite the advancement in medical practices and technology, there is still a growing increase statistically when it comes to people getting blind. Deficiency of this vitamin would often lead to weak vision which in the long run may lead to complications and eventually blindness. It has been noted that most accidents that occur while driving especially at night are caused mainly by people not being able to see where they are going or having what you call night blindness. If night blindness is not addressed immediately it may lead to permanent blindness in the long run. Vitamin A has long been used to help prevent this and has helped in restoring vision for those whose cases are not advanced.

Vitamin A has also been reputed to help you attain naturally healthy skin and maintain good complexion. It helps your skin retain moisture, prevent from having blackheads and breakouts and aids in the treatment of pimples and acne as well as other skin ailments. Vitamin A even helps in delaying the aging process that is why it is an important ingredient in most anti-aging products.

But the most important benefit that Vitamin A could provide is that it contains properties that could work against the dreaded cancer. Vitamin A helps protect against lung cancer. There have been studies conducted and it shows that vitamin A does play an important role against this sickness.

It is advised though that you don’t just prescribe by yourself to take any vitamin A supplement. It is best to consult a doctor for improper doses could be toxic for the body.

It is better to get enough vitamin A from healthy sources of it like fruits, vegetables and animal sources.

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